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How To Tell If You’re Reacting To A New Skincare Product

If you try out new skincare products regularly, you may occasionally experience some minor adverse effects. Cosmetic items are usually safe for 99% of the population, but a few people may experience some minor reactions.

Should you write this off as part and parcel of the search for the product that’s perfect for your skin? Not according to a leading French dermatologist. His advice is to stop using any new product if your skin shows signs of irritation or adverse effect, no matter how minor. Read on to learn more about common adverse reactions to new products and what you can do to prevent further irritation.

Why Do New Products Cause Skin Irritation?

Although many people get a slight reaction when they start using products containing ingredients such as vitamin C or retinol, you shouldn’t dismiss minor symptoms out of hand. Stinging, excess oil and burning are typical signs that your skin isn’t loving something about your new skincare product.

Skin irritations occur when the skin barrier breaks down or there are changes in pH levels. Disruptions to the skin barrier can occur due to not moisturising properly or over-exfoliating. Changes in pH levels can be due to the properties present in a new product. The results are redness, breakouts or a burning sensation on your skin.

What Are The Signs Of Skin Irritation?

Below are some common signs that your skin is having an adverse reaction to your new skincare product.

Burning Or Tingling Sensations

The first sign that your new product disagrees with your skin type is sensitivity or a slight tingling sensation. Skin peeling usually follows the tingling sensation. The tingling may not happen immediately you apply the product; sometimes there is a delayed reaction.

This kind of reaction doesn’t mean that you can never use this product again. If the tingling persists, however, or develops into a burning sensation, your skin’s pH balance may be shifting. If you continue using the product, the mild burning might soon turn into irritant contact dermatitis which will show as tiny red bumps. Over-exfoliating is the usual cause of burning or tingling, as it strips away the skin’s oils and uppermost layers.

Skin Peeling

A new skincare product should not cause peeling. When your skin peels, it’s a sign that either you are using too much of the cream, lotion or serum, or the frequency of use is too high. Retinoids or acid-based products are the most common culprits because they can cause over-exfoliation.

The areas around your mouth, eyes and nose are the first to show signs of sensitivity, and you’ll usually notice white, delicate, flaky peels. Reduce the frequency of use or consult your dermatologist, who may recommend a lower concentration product.

Skin Redness

Redness is a major symptom of skin irritation. If you notice any redness developing after applying a cream or serum, stop using it immediately. An exception to the rule is vitamin C serums, known to tip your skin’s pH scale when you use them for the first time. However, if irritation continues after the first few uses, err on the side of caution and stop using the product. It is advisable to work with your dermatologist when you are introducing new products to your skincare regime.

Acne And Breakouts

Breakouts are common when you start using new products to fight acne. Products that are great at unclogging pores such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid and retinol usually have the opposite effect during the first few weeks of use. You may experience acne flare-up or increased breakouts as the products bring everything to the surface of your skin. This phenomenon is known as purging and is quite common. The exception to the rule is when you are using anti-inflammatory products such as topical dapsone which shouldn’t cause breakouts.

Any other skincare product that causes breakouts is an indication that the product isn’t suitable for your skin type. The product may also have comedogenicity which means it tends to clog pores.

Overactive Oil Glands

People with oily skin are more tolerant of acid-based products. The mistake sometimes made by people trying to control oily skin is using too many of these products. Overuse in this way might actually make things worse because these products can strip the skin of moisture.

When your skin dehydrates, the body’s oil production system goes into overdrive to restore the barrier and prevent moisture loss. If this happens, stop using the product and instead choose a gentle cleanser and moisturiser combination.

Dealing With Problem Skin

Skin problems affect men and women of all ages. The skin quality deteriorates as we age, and there is a need to restore some of the youthfulness. Choosing the proper treatment to achieve the desired look can be difficult. Vinci Aesthetics offers free consultations to help you identify your skin’s needs. Get in touch to book your free consultation today!


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