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Dealing With Eyebrow Acne? Here’s What To Do!

It’s logical to assume that the mouth or eyes are your key facial features, but it turns out it’s your eyebrows that make your face stand out. Everyone seems obsessed with their brows nowadays, with some people spending thousands of pounds to get eyebrow hair transplants. It’s easy to imagine, therefore, the dismay and frustration caused by finding reddish, inflamed bumps sitting on the main feature of one’s face.

The truth is eyebrows can be home to pimples just like any other area of your face. While it may be something you didn’t expect, it’s pretty common, regardless of your age and skin type. Understand the underlying cause of your eyebrow acne, however, and you can take the necessary steps to eliminate it and prevent further breakouts.

Possible Causes Of Eyebrow Acne

Eyebrow acne isn’t a huge mystery. Those pimples develop on or between your eyebrows because hair follicles and pores become clogged with debris, dead skin cells and oil, resulting in inflammation and redness. Other factors that may contribute to eyebrow acne include:

  • Plucking
  • Threading
  • Waxing

Manipulating your hair follicle by tweezing, threading, or waxing can cause folliculitis, a type of hair follicle infection. Pimples may also be your skin’s reaction to the hair removal method you’re using. They can make the hair follicles more prone to developing acne lesions and becoming inflamed.

Hormones – The changes in your hormones can lead to acne, especially in women. That’s why acne outbreaks in women are most common during pregnancy, menopause, around your period, or after making changes to your birth control method.

Cosmetics – Your makeup or eyebrow products can irritate the pores and hair follicles around your eyebrow area, especially if you don’t remove makeup cleanly. Bacteria, dirt and other debris can also collect on the surface of your makeup sponges and brushes, so make sure to replace or clean them regularly.

Dirty hair – You may not even realise it, but your fringe might be causing pimples or irritation on your eyebrow area or clogging your brows with dirt.

5 Ways To Deal With Eyebrow Acne

Now that we’ve identified potential reasons behind those bumps on your eyebrow, it’s time to discuss ways to deal with them. Here’s what you should do to manage eyebrow acne:

Wash Your Face Before Bed

Unnecessary oils, dirt and dead skin cells will stay on your skin if you don’t clean your face. They will clog your pores and irritate your skin, leading to chronic inflammation in the form of those unsightly pimples.

Exfoliating and cleansing before bed are an integral part of keeping your skin healthy and revealing new skin cells. It’s also essential in allowing your skin’s natural repair process to occur.

Skip Waxing Or Plucking Your Eyebrows

If your eyebrow area is prone to pimples, skip waxing, plucking, or threading your brows. Instead, try shaving them so that you are not removing the hair from the root. It’s also important to clean and moisturise your face after grooming your brows.

Consider Spot Treatments

Cleansing and exfoliation are undoubtedly valuable preventative measures, but what if you already have active acne around your eyebrow area? A good spot treatment that has the right ingredients will help minimise the appearance of pimples.

For instance, benzoyl peroxide will reduce the number of acne-causing bacteria on your skin, and retinoids will unclog pores while reducing oiliness. By decreasing bacteria and clearing your pores, you’ll ultimately prevent eyebrow acne and stop flare-ups.

Change Your Hairstyle

If the culprit behind your eyebrow acne is the fringe that’s always on your face, it might be a good time to consider changing your hairstyle. Your fringe hairstyle itself doesn’t cause acne, but if your hair and skin are oily, they can contribute to the production of pimples on your forehead. Blame may also lie with your hairstyling products. Try keeping your hair off your face by using bobby pins or stylish hairpins. Switching to an updo hairstyle can also keep your hair products from your skin.

Try Deep Cleansing

Perhaps, you’ve been relying on makeup to help tame your lush eyebrows. Eyebrow products are made to keep your brows in place and even increase hair volume. But some products contain pore-blocking ingredients that may obstruct hair follicles and trap bacteria, causing breakouts.

To avoid this, give your brows a deep cleanse using an oil-based cleanser. It will help prevent clogged pores and eliminate any impurities sitting on your skin.


Eyebrow acne can be a pain to deal with but knowing the root of the problem is the first step to getting your clear complexion back. However, if none of these tips work and you’re finding it difficult to manage acne flare-ups, it may be time to turn to the professionals. A specialist at Vinci Aesthetics can help you determine what’s causing your acne and advise on the best treatment plan for your condition. Get in touch with us to book your complimentary consultation and resolve all your skin issues!


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